
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Mind Blowing Science: Color Changing Liquids

A few months ago, my 3-year-old received a Clifford Science Kit for her birthday. After doing all of the experiments in it, she wanted more. She wanted a box filled with things to mix together, so I did some research and decided on the Poof Slinky product My First Mind Blowing Science kit. I chose this kit because 1)it was a chemistry kit, 2)the reviews said it included the science behind why the reactions occurred, unlike some children's kits which are marketed more as science magic, and 3)because it had most of the ingredients included (many children's science "kits" are colorful cardboard boxes containing next to nothing...and a pipette).

Color Changing Liquids is Activity #2. (Activity #1 was "Dancing Powders," which is essentially the vinegar and baking soda volcano. The majority of children's kits include the vinegar and baking soda volcano because children love it. I am not children. Vinegar and baking soda teach nothing about volcanoes. But I digress...)

The kit came with citric acid, baking soda, red cabbage powder, 3 plastic cups, 2 little spoons (different sizes), and stir sticks. All you need is water and a plate. I like a kit that can be used as soon as you open the box. What if a child receives this on Christmas and wants to play with it immediately? He or she can. With most kits, the list of what is included in the kit is shorter than the list of what Mom needs to get.

Together, we poured water into two cups.

My daughter added a scoop of red cabbage powder to each cup.

Red cabbage is a natural dye.
She put a scoop of baking soda in one. The water changed color to bluish purple (below). She put a scoop of citric acid to the second cup. It changed color too; it got redder.
A is for Acid (citric acid) B is for Base (and Baking soda)
She mixed some red water and some bluish purple water into the third cup and it changed back to purple. It did not fizz or bubble as the instructions said it would.

If the solution is blue, it is basic. Slightly blue = slightly basic. Purple = neutral. Pink = slightly acidic. Red = very acidic. (Green is very basic, but we never had green water.)

1 comment:

  1. Move over Amy Farrah Fowler. Gemma's here. Don't worry. She's your leader.
