
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Our 3rd and 4th Grade Math Goals

The following is a list of math goals to be mastered over two years, during 3rd and 4th grade.

By the end of 4th grade, child can:
-Add money
-do one-step word problems
-divide a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number (Example: 36 divided by 6)
-multiply a single digit by a single digit*

*In a Charlotte Mason school, the multiplication table - up to 12x12 - was mastered by the end of 3rd grade.

-do a one-step word problem involving multiplication
-understand that ½ hour equals 30 minutes
-add ½ hour to a given time (:15, :30, :45) (Example: It is 4:45. What time will it be in half an hour?)
-skip count by numbers 0-9 (list multiples - Example: 8, 16, 24, etc.)
-write a mixed number (Example: 2 3/8)
-identify sixths (fractional parts)
-shade sixths
-understand percentage-fraction equivalences (1 whole is 100%, 25% is ¼, 75% + 25%= 100%)
-apply the formula for perimeter
-apply the formula for area
-place a three-digit number on a number line
-add decimals (to hundredths place) (Example: 4.2 + 3.5 + 0.25 + 4.0)
-multiply a three digit number times a one digit (Example: 346 x 3)
-divide a 4 digit number by a 1 digit number (Example 4,325 divided by 5)
-multiply 3 numbers (0 to 10) (Example: 6 x 7 x 10)
-add money (two numbers) (Example: $2.76 + $6.98)
-pre-algebra: substitute a variable for a number in adding (2 numbers, up to 3 digits each)
-pre-algebra: substitute a variable for a number in subtracting (2 numbers, up to 3 digits each)
-write a number in standard form when given that number in word form
-identify place value to the hundredths place
-measure a line segment on a number line when the line segment does not start at 0 (Example: from 3 to 7 = 4 units)

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