
Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy Labor Day

We spent Labor Day with the Little Explorers, our home(pre)school co-op, at the marina.
After lots of playing at Mother's Beach Park, we headed over to catch the WaterBus.
This is one of those "only in Santa Monica" moments - people doing paddleboard yoga. (The marina is actually in Marina Del Rey, so it would be more accurate to call it an "only in West L.A." moment.)
While we waited for our WaterBus, we watched baby stingrays swim by.
And I think this might be a Black Crowned Night Heron.
We rode the WaterBus to Fisherman's Village for lunch and ice cream.
After ice cream, the kids tried to see how many of them would fit on the tiny carousel.
Here is my daughter, waiting for our return WaterBus, enjoying the breeze, and imagining where she would keep a pet sea lion.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for homeschooling buddies! My daughter is totally getting a pet sea lion too. Maybe they can rent a swimming pool together.
