
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tuesday: Books, Breakfast in the Classroom, and a Goose

I've been so busy with the beginning of school, I haven't had time to blog. But here's what is going on:
  1. Our current read aloud is Winnie the Pooh. It's magnificent, and so different from the Disneyfied Winnie the Pooh. For example, after Christopher Robin nails on Eeyore's tail, Eeyore is joyful.
  2. A twaddle book my daughter checked out from the library: Nate the Great Talks Turkey. I liked the original Nate the Great because it was written like film noir detective voice over, so it was humorous. But Talks Turkey was just awful. First of all, it was way too long. One of the things that made the original so enjoyable was that it was short enough to read in a single sitting. Second, the character of Olivia is a stereotype - a spoiled rich girl - unlikable and unadmirable. Third, it doesn't make sense. I don't know how I got lost reading a book for 2nd graders, but I did, and I don't want to waste my time re-reading it to see if (and that's a big if) there was something I missed.
  3. We start breakfast in the classroom on Thursday. I don't like this idea. I think that part of being a parent is feeding your child. I am all for feeding children who don't get fed at home. But I am opposed to encouraging students whose parents can feed them at home to eat school breakfast so the school can earn a monetary incentive. (70% participation = 20 cents per child per day for the school to do with as they choose.)  I am opposed to the hundreds of thousands of dollars in waste this program creates. (Uneaten hot food MUST be thrown away. ANY food removed from the insulated bags must be eaten within the 15 minute breakfast or thrown away or donated to a nonprofit organization - but there are all sorts of stipulations on donations.  Each student MUST take a full meal - example: granola bar, string cheese, apple, milk - from the bag, even if they only want the apple. Students can NOT take ANY of the food home.) Most importantly, I am opposed to diminishing the role of the parent.
    Breakfast in the classroom insulated coolers
    Dystopian fantasy: This program will lead to many students eating at school because their friends are eating. Students will develop the belief that they are entitled to no charge meals, and this will become a district-wide culture. These students will grow to be adults who believe that their children are entitled to no charge meals, and that they are not responsible for feeding their children. Their reliance on the government to parent their offspring further diminishes their role, and the members of this society are stripped of a part of what it means to be human - making whatever sacrifices necessary to feed one's child. It's a society in which people can no longer relate to Jean Valjean stealing bread. 
  4. On a lighter note... My four year old made this:
    It's a goose riding a skateboard.


  1. Wow. I had not heard of Breakfast in the Classroom. Unfortunately, your dystopian fantasy rings all too true!
