
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Kindergarten: Term 1 Review

Here is some of what we did our first trimester of kindergarten...

Math: Worked on multiplication, and long division without remainders. Used Life of Fred: Honey and Life of Fred: Ice Cream.

Music: Listened to some Maestro Classics CDs (Juanita, the Spanish Lobster and The Nutcracker), learned songs to sing in church, learned songs to play on piano and moved from Alfred Prep Level B to Level C.

Weekly: trips to the library, Church Mice, Sunday School, Classical Conversations, dance class, swim lessons (completed two rounds of Minnow-level lessons)

Made: a rubber band helicopter, a cork boat, a fort, a teepee, a loom, small and large catapults, a zippy race car (Circuit Madness kit), a pinball game, perfume, helped paint the Vidiots window

Went to: the Getty to see the Cave Temples of Dunhuang exhibit, the Fresno Fair (rode a camel!), apple picking at Riley's Farm, Underwood Farms, St. Luke's (medieval brass rubbings), Art Zone, church Harvest Festival

Nature: grew bean plants, watched painted lady caterpillars become butterflies and released them, observed a red backed jumping spider, climbed trees, saw a rainbow

Read books: Training Hearts, finished Little House in the Big Woods, started Little House on the Prairie, finished Prince Caspian, Good Queen Bess, etc.

Baked: an apple pie, sourdough bread (we tried), a gateau de semoule

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